Головна » Статті » Конспекти уроків для середніх класів » Конспекти уроків Англійська мова 6 клас |
Урок 77. Враження від подорожуванняМета: формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, активізувати вживання лексики з теми, формувати навички вживання граматичних структур типу Present Perfect;удосконалювати загально-навчальні вміння: культуру мовлення, чіткість і точність думки, критичність мислення. Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань. ХІД УРОКУ І. ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНИЙ МОМЕНТ Привітання T. Good morning, dear children! I am glad to see you at our lesson. I hope you are in a good mood today and you are ready for the lesson. So, what are we speaking about today? Yes, we continue our work on the topic “Travelling and Transport”. We shall review the material we have learned this month: the vocabulary on the topic “Travelling”, grammar structures with Present Perfect. ІІ. ОСНОВНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ Перевірка домашнього завдання Впр. 6, с. 155. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Робота в парах Т. And now look at the blackboard. You see a dialogue. Here are questions. And your task is to choose the right answer. Let’s start! Pupils choose the right answer. Dialogue 1 — Hello! Where are you going? — I’m going to Canada. — Who is going with you? — My sister Ann and my parents. — Is it your first trip? — No, it is not. Two month ago I traveled to Italy. — Great! I was traveling to Turkey last summer. It was wonderful. Listen. They are announcing the flight to Canada. — You are right. Bye. — See you soon. Dialogue 2 — Where did you go on holiday in summer? — To Budapest. — Did you fly there? — No, I didn’t. I went by ferryboat ant train. — Where did you live? — In a hotel. The Hilton Hotel. — How long did you live there? — For six days, from Friday to Wednesday. — And what did you do there? — Well, the hotel had Wonderful swimming pools, so in the mornings I visited interesting places and in the afternoons swam. Dialogue 3 — Hello! — Hi! — Are you going to Kiev? — Yes, I am. And where are you going? — I’m going to Lviv. My relatives live there. — I have many friends in Kiev. And they are calling me. — And my relatives will be very glad to see me. I haven’t seen them for ages. — They are announcing the flight to Kiev. Bye. — Bye. Dialogue 4 — Hi! Where are you going? — I’m going to my relatives. They live in London. And you? — I’m waiting for a flight from Chicago. My parents will come. — As for me, I like traveling by plane. And you? — I don’t like to travel by plane, I like to travel by car. — See you soon. — Bye. Аудіювання Учитель роздає картки для самостійної роботи і двічі читає текст. Учні уважно слухають. У зразках тексту пропущені певні слова, які учні повинні вписати. Після прослуховування учні читають текст ланцюжком. Travelling 1. Travelling is very popular nowadays. Go to a ... station, a port or an airport in our country or abroad and you will see hundreds of people who want to go as quickly as possible. 2. The fastest way of ... is ... plane. With a modern airliner you can travel in one hour to a place which takes a day ... by train. 3. Travelling ... train is slower than by plane, but it has it’s ... . There are sleepers and dinning-car in passenger trains which make even the longest ... enjoyable. 4. Some people like to ... ship and enjoy a sea ... or a river trip. Many people like to travel ... car. It also has its ...; you will never miss the train, ship or plane; you can make your own time-table. ... by car is popular for pleasure trips. Перевірка розуміння прослуханого 1. Travelling is very popular nowadays. Go to a railway station, a port or an airport in our country or abroad and you will see hundreds of people who want to go as quickly as possible. 2. The fastest way of travelling is by plane. With a modern airliner you can travel in one hour to a place which takes a day to travel by train. 3. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has it’s advantages. There are sleepers and dinning-car in passenger trains which make even the longest journey enjoyable. 4. Some people like to travel by ship and enjoy a sea voyage or a river trip. Many people like to travel by car. It also has its advantages; you will never miss the train, ship or plane; you can make your own time-table. Travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips. Уведення нової лексики С. 154. Аудіювання, читання Впр. 1, с. 153. Говоріння, робота в парах Впр. 3, с. 154. ІІІ. ЗАКЛЮЧНА ЧАСТИНА УРОКУ Підбиття підсумків уроку Т. So at this lesson we’re done a lot. I guess you have found this lesson exciting. Let’s come back to the beginning of the lesson and say what you can do. Thanks for your hard work at the lesson. I should say you worked well and were very active. The lesson is over. Good-bye! Домашнє завдання Впр. 3, с. 154 (письмово). | |
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